niftybot alpha v1.0.0a
It's with some great pleasure I'm pleased to announce that niftybot has offically entered into alpha 1.0.0 (v1.0.0a)
This release doesn't actually contain much of anything but some finished cogs that had been sitting incomplete for awhile alongside some features that made administration easier, such as
- server based configuration files
- server owners able to config the above
- plugin enabling/disabling per server
- slightly better error logging
All of these features are pretty basic, and even they have a ways to go before I'll be happy with them; but hey, you've got to start somewhere.
You can download the latest release from the master branch of the repository (this will always be stable code), since I never released an official "release" of alpha v1.0.0a
Moving forward, I am still working on the bot. I've got ideas in place, but it's finding time to sit down and work on them that has gotten harder and harder; but, development is ongoing, even if it's slow. Currently, the more important issues on the table that I plan to tackle before I'd consider merging the code into the stable branch is:
- better error logging
- bringing all current code upto PEP8 guidelines
- cleaning up the currently tagged issues
Edit: this release is now outdated and replaced by the offical release; more information here